Who am I


 The photos I took each identify different things I do or am interested in. The first photo has a bible in it which shows I am religious and how I identify with the belief in God. My next photo shows a plant which in theory shows that I like nature and all it has to offer. The third picture shows foods that are good for your health which shows how I like to eat healthy in my meals.The next photo has a soccer ball in it because it is one of my favorite sports I play. The photo with a TV remote shows how I like to chill and spend some time watching Tv on my couch while relaxing. I also take interest in sports magazines that update on teams and also show the remote because I enjoy watching sports. The next photo shows my xbox controllers showing I like to game in my spare time and their two to show I like playing with others online.My photo with the majors shows my interest in college and the academic work that comes with it as well as the new lifestyle. The next Photo shows my interest in the Holiday season especially Christmas time. The last one shows my interest in flying to see colleges right now at the current time.
